St. Michael Parish Picnic
Monday, June 3, 2024
Please plan to join your friends and neighbors for a full day of parish fun! Rides, music, food and refreshments will be available for your pleasure and entertainment.
Ride bracelets for $35 presale (available online and in-person purchase after Masses on May 18-19). Cost is $40 after May 19.
Chicken dinners $12
Raffle tickets 1 for $10 or 3 for $25
Scan to Purchase Tickets or Bracelets
11 am: Parade
11:30 am: Games, concessions and drinks open
Noon: Carinval rides and vendors open
4 pm: Chicken dinners from King Edwards
5 pm: John Evers Washers Tournament
6 pm: Games close
7 pm: Live music with The Defenders
8 pm: Rides close
10 pm: Picnic ends
Sign Up & Volunteer
Sign up to drive a golf cart, drive a car or walk along the parade route through the streets of Shrewsbury.
Volunteer to work a two-hour shift selling concessions through The Pit. Shifts are available from Noon to 10 pm.
Beer Booth
For those of you who are over 21 years old, sign up to work the beer booth. Shifts are available from Noon to 10 pm.
Sign up to staff one of the games inside the St. Michael gym. Shifts are available from Noon to 6 pm.
Set Up/Clean Up
Volunteer to help set up the gym, tables and chairs a day ahead of time or stick around to help clean up at the end of the picnic day.
Parade Colors
Show your class pride by wearing the colors of the grade you just completed.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Firth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade