Do you like to sew? Are you good at videography? Can you sing? What about coaching, or cooking hot dogs? Are you talented at organizing and motivating others? Are you looking for a prayer group? Do you like to work with the disabled or homebound? What about babysitting? Gardening? Scouting? We have all of this and more at St. Michael.
Mission of Conversion, Sacred Worship and Faith Formation
Eucharistic Adoration
During Eucharistic Adoration, the faithful spend time with and pray to Jesus Christ, who is present in the Eucharist.
Contact: Joanie Hasser, 314-647-1818
Extraordinary Ministers
Assist the priests and the deacons in the sharing of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during Mass and prayer services.
Contact: Deacon Dale Follen, 314-647-5611
Hospitality Ministers
Greet everyone as they enter church for Mass. They assist with seating, take up the collection, assist with the flow of communication, and hand out the bulletin after Mass. They also assist with emergency and special needs.
Contact: Jim Collins, 314-565-8294
Parishioners trained to share God’s word by proclaiming the fist and second readings during Liturgy of the Word.
Contact: Cheryl Harness, 314-647-2348
Legion of Mary
A global lay organization that brings members closer to Jesus by prayer and brings Jesus to others by visiting sick, shut-in, and nursing home residents.
Contact: Dawn Nordyke, 314-255-3051
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
A communal process for formal initiation of new members into the Catholic Church.
Contact: Deacon Dale Follen, 314-647-5611
Retreats (Men)
An annual retreat for men of the parish held at the White House Retreat Center in South St. Louis County.
Contact: Brian Koenen, 314-647-5481
Sacristans make physical preparations for the liturgy, assist with needs during Mass and attend to necessary details as the liturgy concludes.
Contact: Kathy Winfrey, 314-961-7942
Assist the priest and deacon during Mass. Training for servers is held periodically.
Contact: Deacon Dale Follen, 314-792-7433
Mission of Education and Evangelization
Adult Religious Education
Includes faith formation of children, the continuing religious education of adults and reaching out to the fallen away.
Contact: Deacon Dale Follen, 314-647-5611
Ministry of Community and Apostolic Service
American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age.
Contact: Maria Sanchez
Athletic Association
The mission of St. Michael’s Athletic Association is to promote and inspire life-long physical activities that build a healthy spirit, mind and body. The Athletic Association organizes and manages teams for soccer, volleyball, basketball, lacrosse, golf, track, baseball, softball and t-ball.
Contact: John Odenwald
Donut Social
Organizes monthly fellowship gatherings after Sunday Masses.
Contact: Jim Collins, 314-565-8294
Helping Hands
The purpose of Helping Hands is to provide an enjoyable meal for family and friends following a funeral mass.
Contact: Rita Feeney, 314-645-7919
Knights of Columbus
St. Michael the Archangel Council, 16619
Contact: Grand Knight Dick Koblyski, 678-350-5571
A celebration of St. Michael’s German heritage. Traditionally held in late September or early October.
Contact: Kurt Odenwald, 314-647-5611
Parish Facilities Coordinator
Coordinates use and management of the church, Notre Dame Center (parish office) and gym.
Contact: Kim Schultz, 314-647-5611
Parish Picnic
Plans and organizes the annual St. Michael Picnic, a day of family fun traditionally held the first Monday in June.
Contact: Parish Office, 314-647-5611
Trivia Night
An annual fundraiser where teams square off in trivia. Traditionally held in late January at the St. Michael gym.
Contact: Jeannine Beck
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Provides food and financial assistance to community members in need.
Contact: Karl Odenwald
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provides boys and girls a program of character development and values-based leadership training, which helps young people be “Prepared. For Life.®”
Boy Scouts: Patrick Powers, 314-540-0356
Men’s Club
The Men's club is a group of dedicated men from the parish who gather to socialize and discuss ways to help the parish.
Contact: stmichaelmensclub@gmail.com
Ministers of the Eucharist for Homebound
Takes the Eucharist to those in our community who cannot physically make it to Mass.
Contact: Deacon Dale Follen, 314-647-5611
Women of St. Michael
Unite the Catholic women of our parish and to promote the spiritual, social and material interests of St. Michael the Archangel.
Contact: Cheryl Harness
Mission of Stewardship/Administration
Administration and Finance Committee
Contact: Ed Kopff, 314-647-0734