The Reignite Series
As many of you know, September is a special month for our parish. September 29th is our parish Feast Day, the Feast of the Archangels, and also happens to be the anniversary of the founding of the parish and the dedication of the current church. September is a good month for us to consider the life of our parish and our own role in that life as individuals, but even more, our role in the life of the Church (the universal one!) and indeed, God’s life of grace living in us.
In many ways, we could see that life as a flame which grows when fed, or that we have to protect at times to keep it alive by shielding it from the wind. The past two years have been a great challenge for that flame of our faith.There have been periods of fear, loneliness, hopelessness, and indifference that have had a huge impact on people of faith. Many people feel disconnected from each other and from God, and are struggling to keep that flame alive, or else they fear that it has gone out altogether. The good news is that God is never far from us, always willing to reignite that fire within our hearts, if we are open to receiving him.
Throughout the month of September, our parish will be hosting the Reignite Series, evenings of community and reflection led by great local speakers with the purpose of nurturing that flame of faith in us.Please mark your calendars for September 8, September 14, September 21, and September 28. More information will be out soon, but we hope that you’ll join us, and reignite your faith!